thehumanjib | The Human Jib - Jimmy Jib Rentals & Jib Operators - Part 2

How Much do Camera Ops and Jib Ops Get Paid?

Short answer: $500-$600 per 10-hour day (labor only; gear is billed separately). Explanation: Most Camera Operators and Jib Operators are independent contractors, or “freelancers”, which means they often work for many companies throughout the year and do not get paid a steady salary. In fact, depending on the type of shooting they do (EFP, ENG,…

Shot Composition & Framing

Good shot composition will help make your camera shot pleasing to look at. Framing is the process of composing a shot. There’s a lot more on this subject that we discuss in our one-on-one and classroom training sessions, but for this post, we’ll look at  four basic elements: the rule of thirds, lead room, head…

How Do I Become a Camera Op or Jib Op?

“How do I become a professional Camera Operator or Jib Operator?” That’s a question nearly every film student and independent videographer asks. For the sake of brevity, this discussion will focus on becoming a freelance Camera Operator for multi-camera broadcasts (EFP) at live events such as sports and concerts. Become an Assistant First – We…

Is Camera Operating Easy?

Similar to how a professional basketball player isn’t just someone who plays H.O.R.S.E. a lot, a Camera Operator isn’t someone who just points a camera at things. Professional Camera Operators have distinct skills and techniques that are performed consistently with precision. They will deliberately choose every detail they want to include in their shot. When all…

Super Bowl XLVII

In preparation for Super Bowl XLVII in New Orleans, CBS Super Bowl Park was constructed in the heart of the French Quarter to serve as the CBS Central Broadcast Center during Super Bowl week. The compound included 4 outdoor studio sets that were used to broadcast 15 television shows, including CBS This Morning and CBS Evening…